what’s up for today…

A somewhat disturbing state of affairs, a flat-lining governmental system, and a very apt comment that says it all…

My plan for today is to make a pattern for a hard dodger for the Islander, get rid of some clutter, and organize my tools. Sounds easy but clutter and disorganized tools are the bane of my existence and it might get ugly.

Another mental task I’ve set myself is how to wean myself off buying books for my Kindle as I can no longer support Amazon in good conscious. So, if anyone has suggestions for affordable book sellers, I’m all ears.

Now, all I have to do is find my razor knife so I can get to doing on that dodger pattern… after the rain stops.

3 thoughts on “what’s up for today…”

  1. The Libby app and an account at your favorite library where you can check out kindle formatted books should take care of you.

  2. If you live on a boat and are ok with hitting the high seas like pirate. Annas-archive.org. has it all at no cost to you

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