Stuff you need to know about Panama, some very good points, and breaking that fourth wall…
There are a lot of how to cruise books out there and some of them are good, others bad, and most just so-so. Wading through all those tomes of expertise, for me at least, is something of a drudge that all too often results in dented bulkheads. So, here’s the thing…

“Cruising Boat Basics” is the best book you’re going to find out there that covers everything you need to know in a digestible and, dare I say it, enjoyable manner.
That’s it.
Im wondering just how many copies of “cruising on a small income” get sold these days? Im pretty sure there are many out there “doing it”, and just not becoming or want the Pootube infamy.
Do you mean Annie Hill’s “Voyaging on a Small Income” ?
I’m pretty sure that anybody seriously cruising on a budget are well acquainted with the book and already have it. That said, its sort of fallen off the landscape these days and the current generation of cruisiers are missing out if they have not read it.
I’m pretty sure there’s a link on the JRA Library for a free download of the book…
Yes, “Voyaging on a small income”. I do not think it applies to many these days, why work and put money into something that provides a minimal income, when you can youtube with contribution options? Internet has become a pan-handlers paradise, a shame i dont have a pair of 36DD to make eye catching thumbnails for droll videos. Am i sounding like an old curmudgeon yet?