a couple of quick budgetary thoughts…

EBM with something that might bring a smile, an astute point, and some needful situational awareness

Part of the reason you don’t see a lot of books or videos on budget cruising is that, for most people, “Yachting” is a consumerist activity and too often more about spending money than sailing.

It’s hard to flaunt your consumerism by telling folks how to save money while cruising. So, yeah, not a whole lot of market these days for excellent books like Annie Hill’s “Voyaging on a Small Income”. Which, as it happens, can be downloaded for free on the JRA website.

Frugal cruising is, for the most part, a clandestine activity and, as such, those successfully sailing on miserly budgets tend keep a low profile.

In just about any anchorage, you’ll find folks cruising on budgets that will surprise you. They don’t advertise their budgets, don’t come across as cheap-seats denizens, and seem to blend into the background. Stealth cruisers, if you will.

Which brings up why folks involved in creative frugality need to keep a low-profile… but that can wait til mañana…

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