So, here’s a hurricane boat for sale that Drew linked to…

As far as hurricane boats go it’s actually in pretty good shape providing the photos are current. The asking price of $2,350 is, from where I’m sitting silly but I’ll say more about what sort of budget I’d consider doable to make the boat cruise-worthy and livable in a day or so.
In the meantime feel free to talk about it in the comments.
Depends where it is and what materials could be had locally and at what price. Im only interested in tabernacle masts i can set and lower myself. Would the timber for a new mast be available or a site one can knock up a box spar? Perhaps the existing mast could be used with a reduced rig and some dyneema stays to get you to a place where you could do the work you want? I love projects, but without having a defined goal for the finished article, hard to get motivated to do anything. I had to recently pass up on a long term “dreamship”, for the simple reason the storage costs for one year exceed the value of the boat, and its in another country. The cost-benefit analysis shattered that dream pretty quick, as did the road haul costs of bringing a boat across the European continent.
But if the boat above has a working and reliable engine, a small roll reduction rig could be fitted, and off you go. Im thinking the cost of a rig replacement would buy a lot of diesel. As usual, it depends on your goals.
You would want to slip her and check there’s no damage below the waterline and then new antifouling paint while out of the water. How is the Caribbean for used boat parts? I found stanchions,bases and a new bow rail here in Queensland for $400. Also a mast with mainsail and three headsails for $1200.
Realistically you would want her for free. That boat could end up being a wallet breaker. Any idea of the design?