an awesome shoal draft design…

Offhand, I really do think that real (3′ or under) shoal draft makes all kinds of sense for anyone looking for a VolksCruiser. Having a boat that can anchor in places others fear to tread or navigate, that’s also beachable if needed, and ocean capable is really a no-brainer.

For instance, take a look at the Beachcomer 25…

Drawing only 1′ 3″ with the board up this Walter Scott design is what shoal draft is all about. As it happens Scott also designed the Irwin 10/4 which is my favorite Irwin and another possible VolksCruiser candidate that is well worth checking out.

The Beachcomer has what I like to think of as a civilized interior layout as it provides everything needful in a manner that is both comfortable and practical. 

The cat ketch rig is a great rig with little to go wrong and much to recommend it. I’m still astonished that we we’re still sailing Bermudan sloops when there are so many clearly superior rigs we could be using.

The downside of a 25-foot boat is mostly about stuff or, in truth, the inability to carry a lot of stuff you really don’t need. That being the case, it’s a great design for someone of a minimalist bent but not so much for those who don’t quite understand the advantage of less.

There’s quite a bit more information over at website for the Beachomer 25 you might want to peruse.


1 thought on “an awesome shoal draft design…”

  1. Never seen that before (from the EU). I did take a look at B&B 26ft Princess sharpie which is similar. Mizzen staysails are fun to play with.

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