a neat little junk rig cruiser…

I’ve been watching this boat on the market for a while…

and why it has not been snapped up in an instant is something of a riddle to me.

Sure it’s small but back when we spent a year in the Canary Islands there was a Storfidra 25 with a young family aboard who’d sailed it down from someplace in Scandinavia via a circuit of the Med. They really could have been the poster family for folks having a wonderful time cruising.

I later saw their boat in St Thomas a couple of times and I’d heard they finally sold it to go back and build a nine-meter design because they had another kid on the way and 25-feet is a little small with a family of four.

The Storfidra 25 is a very shippy boat, a great choice for a junk rig, and, I expect, would make someone a great small cruising boat.

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