on being wary of forum advice…

Ecocide is today’s word, USPS RIP, and in the “Longish reads that are spot on” department…

When reading a certain forum that shall remain nameless, I’m often confronted with the surfeit of negative posts that are just saying no, you can’t do something. While I’ll admit that there are any number of folks who should be told that doing something might not be the right way to go but most of the naysayers don’t seem to have the actual knowledge or skillset to opine correctly. It’s like asking for advice in a bar where everyone’s an expert but no one has a clue.

Personally, I don’t like giving advice. Partly because folks seldom follow it when I do but still manage to blame me when things go south. I’d much rather point out a book, article, or recommend someone who will advise for hire who knows their stuff.

Still, I find that practitioners of negativity both saddens me as well as royally pisses me off. Those of a negative bent are mostly just unhappy people with limited talents and skills who want to bring everyone down to their level of inability where their only option is to throw money at problems so you should too.

Anyway, something to remember next time someone tells you’re not able to do a simple splice…

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