A new YouTube channel you might want to check out…
A family of six on an engineless Ericson 28. Most certainly a channel I’ll be following.
A family of six on an engineless Ericson 28. Most certainly a channel I’ll be following.
Not too long ago someone mentioned to me that they could never live on a VolksCruiser or VolksCruising budget because of, you know… Comfort. The subject of watermakers were used as an example… I can’t help but get the feeling that a lot of what folks these days equate with the word comfort has …
… You really do need to listen to.
A reader mentioned something the other day and it’s been buzzing around in the back of my mind ever since… “For most, cruising IS unsustainable both monetarily and psychologically.” As it happens, I have to admit that he’s right but the proviso “For most” means there are exceptions and, if you’re reading VolksCruiser, there’s a …
…on a 7.7 meter (25 foot) sailboat. Small works. More information about the voyage can be found here.
Not too long ago a friend mentioned that they could do a $500-a-month budget but chose not to because they can afford to spend more and they desire a certain level of comfort… Different courses for horses and all that but I’ll quibble with a portion of that statement because, no matter how creatively I …
Since we’re ramping up to T-Day and the world continues to continue to do a very good imitation of a rocket propelled turbo-charged wicker basket hurtling towards hell I’d just like to say this… It’s a great time to be a a member of the boatfolk tribe of modest means! Sure, things tend to be …
Happiness is a place between too little and too much. -Finnish proverb The other day I read something from a couple who referred to their Brewer designed Whitby 42 as a “small” boat. They also remarked about how that they had to give up a lot as well as become super resourceful to make …
It’s interesting what will send folks to their keyboards to tell me I’m misinformed.This week’s trigger word seemed to be 20-feet. So, here’s a layout for a 20-foot sailboat you could easily cruise in… The boat in question is the Pop 20 from BG Yacht Design… It’s a pretty cool boat. Somewhere between a CAL …
Lately I’ve found it interesting how the tiny house brigade has recently discovered that boats are excellent appropriate-sized dwellings. The real question is… What the hell took them so long? Anyone familiar with boats and cruising watching the tiny house movement evolve has found it something of a frustrating experience. Partly because they’ve been re-inventing …