An intelligent cat, a game plan of sorts, and in the “no conflict of interest at all” department…
The other day, while trying to organize all my sailboat design links, I came across this bit of Gary Hoyt wonderfulness and found myself being somewhat depressed.

I mean, why on earth did this rig not catch on? This evolved balanced lug rig design makes all kinds of sense on so many levels. It just knocked my socks off when I first saw it and yet, pretty much zero interest from other designers, boat builders, or sailors.
Now, all these years later, I know why but the overall level of general stupidity where sailing is concerned still rankles.
On another tack, here’s an interesting electronics project for boat folk.
So, this is basically a complicated junk rig. I have a Colvin designed junk rig which is pretty old fashion but works fairly well single handing. I would like to replace it with split junk rig or maybe just a little more modern junk sail planform with some shape cut in the sails. My main problem is that my current sails are in pretty decent condition, so it seems to be a waste to replace them now (besides the fact I have other more pressing things to fix).
You might say somewhere between the balanced lug and junk rigs. The main advantage is that the sail never touches the mast.