and in the “this is cool” department…

Something from the “possible pandemic” department, a timely yet apt cartoon and we’re back to zombie apocalypse territory… How about a DIY build your own sextant kit? Not a bad Holidaze present at all. That said, the Celestial Navigation Starter Package might be a better investment in the long run.

a DIY sailboat project of the right sort…

Why I find myself asking … “How would James Baldwin refit this boat?” Atom Voyages has always been the gold standard for refit videos. If you have an issue of what to do with your classic plastic project there’s a 99% chance that Atom Voyages has the answer. Nuff said.

Today’s task…

I really should quit reading the news in the morning. Now, what I really want to do this morning is to build some trolling lures. I could sit in the cockpit and cobble fish seducing works of art while listening to some great music. That would be right in the middle of one of my …

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about “that” dinghy…

The other day, I was informed that the hip dinghy that will be the new standard is the OC 330. Of course, being enamored of cool dinghies, I searched out Offshore Cruising Tenders and found a sorta/kinda dinghy that really did not impress me. My first impression was that it’s a RIB meets plywood stitch …

about “that” dinghy… Read More »

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