Just another day in the time of flying excrement…

I’ll admit that watching the current POTUS-elect fill his cabinet with the execrable and dimmest folks he can find is just a bit unsettling. Of course, the real unsettling part of the mix is about 50% of the population of the US of A thinks he’s doing a great job.

Apparently, I live in a nation half filled with idiots and it’s sorta/kinda depressing.

I mention this because I’m still trying to sort out a new dripless shaft seal for the Islander and trying to get information I need to make a decision has become a huge quagmire of emails none of which come even close to answering my various questions. Apparently half of the people placed at companies to assist me can’t read, can’t write, and know less than I do which, I’ll admit, is bugger all. So much so, that I’m close to installing an old tech stuffing box.

Just sayin’, but it’s all kinds of depressing that Theodore Sturgeon is still right and 90% of everything is crap whether it’s politics or navigating the marine trades.

1 thought on “Just another day in the time of flying excrement…”

  1. It seems inevitable, at this point, that the coke-pepsi crowds are on the verge of a street fighting swingfest (hey, how come we weren’t offered some organic green drink instead in this election?). Convenient distraction for the central bankers to really ramp up their silent steal of the family jewels….. the real root of most of the problems globally. Yes, a good time to head for the southern hemisphere and all the better on a nondescript, relatively fossil free volkscruzer. The USSA empire is circling the bowl as the debt bomb nears detonation. Fortunately the bowl circling is reversed in the southern hemi.

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