7 thoughts on “a yellow scow…”

  1. This looks to be a really interesting little ship. A great small cruiser even if one doesn’t want to play an accordion on a glacier. Can your cunning research methods discover who designed it, who built it and what of?
    It looks to be the solution to many a boaters questions.

  2. Can anyone tell what’s going on with that cabin divider? He’s got daggerboards P&S, so LR is covered… it’s costly in that it looks like you’d loose half the view forward to it (would have to actually move to the other side to see out the opposite window flanking the fwd ‘trunk’ blister). So it must be paying its way, somehow.

    Two ‘windows’ in what looks like a centerboard trunk… one has a (pair of) dogged and gasketed flaps, so water must be in play… the other appears to have no waterproofing, and may tunnel through… hmm.

    Bob, any clues buried in French beyond my connaissance??

    I think we’ll be seeing more and more of this type of scow cruiser… exciting!

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