Since we’re ramping up to T-Day and the world continues to continue to do a very good imitation of a rocket propelled turbo-charged wicker basket hurtling towards hell I’d just like to say this…
Sure, things tend to be expensive if you, excuse the pun, buy in to the current consumerist kool-aid on offer but, if step back apace and look at the bigger picture, it’s way better than most folks can imagine…
A few weeks back I picked up and dusted off Lin and Larry’s “Cruising in Seraffyn” (you can get a used copy on Amazon for a penny) and re-reading was both enjoyable and eye-opening. So much so I immediately dived into “Seraffyn’s European Adventure” (a used copy will set you back less than a dollar), and, I expect, I’ll be re-reading “Seraffyn’s Mediterranean Adventure” later this week as well and will, more than likely, have rolled through the entire series by New Years… What can I say they’re enjoyable and still have a lot to teach me.
You’d pretty much have to live under a rock not to realize that while L&L have a lot of fans they also have a lot of quite vocal detractors (most of which I doubt have actually read their books) who seem to be quite threatened by their blasphemous ideas and, even worse, their impressive level of seamanship.
But, I sorta/kinda digress…
The thing is, small (under 38-feet) seaworthy boats have never been more affordable to folks of modest means, the tools/skills are easily accessible, and the needful things to outfit are currently selling for pennies on the dollar. Even better is that the condions will continue because the marine industry, while greedy and tunnel-visioned, can’t really see us and as a result we’re not even on their radar and that alone is a lot to be thankful for…
So, 2016 sure looks like a good year to just go off and sail away.
Just saying.
Please keep these posts coming. They are extremely inspirational in a time I, a person of very modest means, am trying to get back to liveaboard status.