Here’s something important to keep in mind…
Boat plans are not a sacred text and you can change them as much as you like as long as you realize that if your changes/modifications/cunning plans result in a clusterfuck of a boat it’s all your fault.
With me so far?
Here’s something else you need to know about what a designers job is all about…
A designer of boats job description does not include teaching you how to build a boat, babysit you through the process, and do your thinking for you.
In the next few posts I’ll be talking about building and possibly changing a particular plan which just may fall into what some people consider heretical territory. Folks with a delicate and orthodox nature just may want to skip the next couple of weeks or so…
More soonish…
Something else to keep in mind:
Don't change things you don't understand.
Or more specifically:
Don't change things where you don't understand the constraints the original designer had to work with.