On the premise that spending money to save money is a good idea…

I’m currently fleshing out some ideas about frugal cruising for my Island Gourmand blog. While reading some other blogs on cooking on boats I detected a certain trend where saving money was concerned. The solution most put forward to spending less seemed to be to go out and spend more.

I’ll be honest this sorta/kinda surprised me.

Looking at a lot of advice on the web regarding saving money cruising or for your boat there it was again; the same spend money to save money mantra… So, for instance, if you have an inboard engine that uses too much fuel (or so you think) and you run your engine 300 hours a year, your best solution would be to…

  1. Live with the problem as 1.1 gallons an hour instead of 1 gallon an hour only adds $120 to the yearly fuel bill.
  2. Replace the engine for around $10K to save that $120 a year.
  3. Live with the problem, sail more, and use your engine less.

Now, I’m pretty sure VolksCruiser readers can see the illogic of one of those solutions . Well, at least I hope so.

On the food front my basic premise is simply to fish more, spend less, and, when needful to spend money, make sure the math works out in your favor whenever possible.

Applied to general boatbuilding, boat upkeep, and cruising, translates to DIY more, spend less, and, when needful to spend money, make sure the math works out in your favor whenever possible…

Not exactly rocket science is it?

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