
10 things you can successfully live without…

Some ARC rally news, an interesting read, and something I really need to add to my laptop… Every day someone tells me I need boat stuff I cannot live without but have somehow never missed. Maybe worth discussing in the comments if you care to.

stuff and more stuff…

Practical Boat Owner has an article on the recent ARC rally that I found both interesting as well as depressing. Mostly it’s about what stuff you need to have to cross the Atlantic. Lots of stuff. Expensive stuff. Of course, the ARC has always been a favorite thing to do if one is big on …

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a frugal alternative…

I’ve been mulling over various solutions to mount our chart-plotter in such a way that it could live in the boat but allow for it to hinge into the companionway to allow it to be seen from the cockpit. Hardly rocket science but it does exercise the mind into coming up with a workable solution. …

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a sound boat…

The nice thing about most classic plastic boats is the fact that they were mostly built like tanks. Fiberglass and polyester resin were cheap and did not require much in the way of expensive labor to slap together so, for the most part, a lot of very strong boats got made in the late 60s …

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$0.29 a day…

What with the push for induction stoves for boats, the current news that gas stoves may be less than healthy, and the fact that I’d love to lessen the amount of fossil fuels aboard. So, hardly surprising I’ve found myself thinking about the various alternatives to propane lately. The main issue with going electric is …

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about self-steering and how to save $4000 or more in one fell swoop…

The important/funny thing about windvane self-steering gears is folks either get it or they don’t… Sort of a love/hate thing. Which, as things go, happens to be a good thing where outfitting a cruising boat on a frugal budget is concerned. First off, the cost of most manufactured self-steering gears are silly expensive with a …

about self-steering and how to save $4000 or more in one fell swoop… Read More »

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