A mysterious leak…

I have a couple of leaks on the Islander and, while not serious, the fact that one of the leaks is a mystery is just a kiss unsettling. The known leak is the Lasdrop shaft seal. Lasdrop no longer supports this model so I’m currently looking for a replacement from a company that supports their gear which does not force you to buy their newer stuff. Top of my current shortlist is the Volvo shaft seal which seems to be cheap, simple, and foolproof.

The mystery leak is problematic in that it has no obvious source or trail to follow and the usual suspects all seem dry as a bone so it falls into the “God only knows” category and She/He is not saying.

Oh yeah, something from the “Sweet Jesus, and I thought the marine trades gouged” department, some nervous-making stuff, and some uplifting news from Brazil…

2 thoughts on “A mysterious leak…”

  1. Have used the Volvo shaft seal for about 10 years and I’m very happy with it. Seems to be the simplest and smallest seal available – actually the only one I’ve found that will fit on our boat between the shaft tube and drive saver – as it’s a tight space. Only draw back is that they recommend replacing it every 800 hrs.

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