so many boats, so little time…

I tend to confine my perusal of sailboats of the VolksCruiser ilk to Craigslist and Le Bon Coin. Both venues have what I’ll call a mostly reality-based interface as long as you know what you’re looking for and have done your homework. That said, whenever buying something used like a boat it’s best to be wary because some people lie and think buyers are fools. So, when confronted with too-good-to-be-true offers on boats it’s best to be cautious.

Still, due to current economic factors, a depletion in places to put a boat, and a consumerish push towards bigger more expensive boats makes for a situation where people are selling boats for far less than they’re worth. Or, in other words, a really good time to buy a VolksCruiser. Well, as long as you have an affordable place to moor said VolksCruiser or a cunning plan to get out of Dodge in a hurry.

Face it, VolksCruisers don’t make sense if you’re only going to sit them in an over-priced marina being a financial drain on your resources. Truth be told, VolksCruisers only really make sense for cruising and that’s why it says VolksCruiser rather than VolksBoat.

You might want to ponder that difference for a bit.

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