a VolksCruiser…

All this talk about money and budget, while needful, is just a way to focus your attention on why a VolksCruiser has to have certain qualities to do its job. Getting you where you want to go, keeping you safe, and being a comfortable home in the process while not costing more than you can afford is no easy task. Some might even say an impossible one…

That said, I’ve never been real fond of the word i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e

Let’s take a look at some needful attributes.

A VolksCruiser has to be seaworthy
Hardly a foreign concept where boats are concerned but you’d be surprised how many people equate seaworthiness with what you pay for stuff when they should be looking at the boat rather than the price tag.

A VolksCruiser needs to be big enough but not too big
It’s a fact of life that a smaller boat is less expensive to buy, operate, and maintain which is important. Lots of people have circumnavigated quite comfortably/safely in small boats.
A VolksCruiser is simple
Simple, by its very nature, is dependable, affordable, and (since it’s simple) should be fixable by a normal person. Sadly, simple is not a word you find very often around boats and marine gear these days, as simple is generally counterproductive to making profits which is something you need to keep in mind at all times.
A VolksCruiser has minimal less-than-needful parts
Actually that statement should really be applied to any cruising boat… If stuff does not earn its keep it really does not belong on any boat. Which does not mean you can’t have stuff aboard that pays its way by making your life better (books and musical instruments spring to mind) but, needful stuff is needful and you really do know the difference.
So, here’s the thing…
Simple really is simple. 
Of course, the human condition does like to complicate even the most simple things and, in today’s climate of idiotic consumerism, it’s akin to heresy to follow a path of simplicity, logic, and common sense. Which means you might piss some people off so don’t be surprised with a few negative comments or irksome behaviour as it’s just part of the gig. You can always take comfort in the fact that you, unlike some, don’t happen to have your head up your ass…
More on VolksCruiser design and shoal draft soonish.

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3 thoughts on “a VolksCruiser…”

  1. Bob, I'd be interested in how you approach the "spend now to save later dilemma". Example: my boat right now functions just fine, and following the want/need filter no need to change anything. But I have to run the engine to generate electricity. I could add solar panels and save money on diesel (and noise and smell ) but solar panels would be a big expense.
    (Love your blog- thanks)


  2. Spending money to save money is, at best, a problematic exercise so do the math.

    As for the given example, solar does make a lot of sense and as solar panels are now cheap and getting cheaper (less than a dollar a watt) adding a couple hundred watts should not cost very much providing you spend your money wisely.

  3. The phrase 'false economy' has bitten me in the butt more often than I care to say. I've come to appreciate the Pardey's policy of putting out for the very best, which pays out by reliable performance over a long life.

    Many of the items in question (eg. Anchor gear) can be seen as onboard insurance against calamity. As such, the value they protect can and should be considered in their evaluation, IMHO. False economies can incur far greater costs, beyond simply representing a poor deal.

    So not more, but better stuff can lower your overall costs.

    Dave Z

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