and because simple really is simple…

Over at TriloBoat Talk, Dave Z has a must read post that anyone contemplating building or rehabbing a cruising boat should read…

I’ll wait.

I’ll go against the prevailing wisdom and point out that it’s really pretty easy to build or rehab a boat and well within the abilities of anyone who can chew gum and walk at the same time. Really it’s all simple DIY kind of stuff. Just a whole lot of it.

The problems most people run into are self-induced of the making-a-simple-thing-complicated sort.

Take this boat for example…

Tad Robert’s Laura Cove 28

Or, this one…

Yann Quenet’s SKROWL 900

And then there’s this one…

Dave Z’s TriloBoat

They are all pretty cool boats and should not cost you any more than $15K to build or take any longer than six months of fairly simple but industrious work. All you have to do is follow the plans and simple directions.

The only reason it would cost you more or take longer would be self-inflicted and has nothing to do with the designs, boatbuilding, or the relative weight of air in your chosen location.

A simple boat, simple skill set, and the ability to complete simple tasks in a timely manner is all you need.

The only thing holding you back is, well, you

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2 thoughts on “and because simple really is simple…”

  1. One could add Hans Klaars 70 foot catamaran built cheaply of locally milled planks on a remote east african beach…. then rolled into the water on empty propane bottles. You Tube vids on this project too.

    My wife and I have been eyeing used boats during a extended (16 months now) expat binge in mexico but we are coming to the conclusion that, overall, used boat prices have not come down as far as they will (soon) and, besides, we LOVE flat bottomed, shoal draft, simplistic rig boats (built a 37 foot "shorey" awhile back and lived 5 years on a Bolgeresque sharpie in Alaska).

    After building 8 wooden boats, of all sizes, my tastes run to function over form but that is from a guy who finds even gravel barges sexy. Dave Zeiger also has a past post with simplistic examples such as the MacNaughton Silver Gull sailing dorys and, of course, the AS line from PBolger.

    I tend to think a really tight budgeted builder would do even better to use local wood like Hans Klaar did. It intrigues me to posit what one could do with locally milled strip planks (1'' or more thick) and common roofing tar as the base layer. Or recycled steel plating from a ship breaking operation (prominent one now in Brownsville, Texas). Yes, where there is a will there is a way.

    Building our own floating home was one of the coolest things I have ever done in my life. Some days I was dog ass tired but, overall, just happy as a clam almost the whole time, especially upon launching then living in our hand crafted baby. I'd counsel fence sitters to jump in and GO FOR IT. Especially with economic collapse looming.

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