Lists are a wonderful thing…

So, after giving the Columbia 26 a lot of thought, I’ve come up with a short list of things I’d do to make it just that little bit more VolksCruiserish…


  1. DIY composting toilet
  2. Rebuild/replace the dinette with a Buehler inspired one
  3. Figure out a cunning plan to make the galley bettter (spelled add worktop space)
  4. Add more water stowage


  1. Rig… If the rig is in good shape I’d simply roll with it (if it works no need to fix it mantra) but, if the rig needs substantial work or financial outlay, I’d just build a new rig of the junk or balanced lug sort.
  2. I’d seriously consider replacing the rudder with a transom hung one with an integrated self-steering (trimtab) system.


  1. Depending on what’s already installed, I’d have to roll with the flow so, more about that in a later post…

Now, of course, there’s all of the usual bringing a tired boat back to life in the cosmetic sense, sorting out the wiring, and other various tasks that you’d need to do but this list represents the needful tasks I’d need to sort out to make me a happy camper.

All in all, it’s not a very long or expensive list…

Next we’ll do the math on what it should actually cost.

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