On money keeping you safe or keeping the riff raff out…

Over at Estrellita 5.10B (always a good read) they have a great post concerning fear and it got me thinking…

As it happens, I was also trying to digest just why a thread about the possibility of a $15,000 bluewater cruiser over at Cruisers Forum irritated me so much.

I’ve gone on record that I don’t think the moniker “Blue Water” should ever be used in conjunction with the words design, sailboat, or gear. I feel boats should be seaworthy whether you sail a couple of miles or a couple of thousand and the idea that it’s alright to go somewhere in an unsafe or unseaworthy boat as long as it’s “coastal” is somewhat flawed logic.

Also, it goes without saying that sticking the words “Blue Water” and a large price tag on a boat’s description does not make it a safe or seaworthy boat…

Looking at the Cruisers Forum thread again with the word fear freshly imprinted on my mind all of a sudden it all makes some kind of perverted sense.

Fear is an interesting emotion and one that will, more than likely, destroy what was once a great experiment in democracy and, if fear can bring a great empire to its knees, just imagine what it can do to people who simply want to go sailing…

Of course, there are many seaworthy boats and a lot of them can be bought for $15,000 or less. For an example take a look at the CAL34 but there are any number of boats in the 26 through 38-foot range with small price tags that will take you safely anywhere you care to go.

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