Being ahead of the curve…

Can you do simple math? This mornings post by Attainable Adventure Cruising is a good example of why anyone interested in cruising on a budget should be reading it on a regular basis and it includes a bit about growth that everyone should read and I do mean EVERYONE. More about that later…

Welcome back…

So… I expect, since you’re reading this, that you’re not someone who is going to be cruising on a $60,269.80 a year budget. So, we’ll just assume you’re a $6000, $9000, or $12000 a year type of person. Then again, maybe you just want to try and get a handle on the whole sustainable-less-is-more-cruising-on-a-budget thought …

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Of interest to folks considering cruising budgets…

For someone considering the frugality of a VolksCruising budget it is important to understand how most people think cruising budgets work. For example, you might want to check out this podcast about one couple’s experiences of their decidedly non-VolksCruiser  but (in their words) non-extravagant lifestyle budget that averages $60,269.80 a year. Enjoy…

everybody says…

I get that a lot, the “everybody says” you need a bigger/more expensive/multihull/monohull/long keel/fin keel boat blues. As far as I’m concerned, all you really need to do is get a boat and whatever you get will, more or less, work out. I’ve also been told that saying this is dangerous, sailing is a serious …

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On doing the math…

Bumfuzzle makes a good point about doing your math and it’s well worth a quick read… Face it, being a person of the VolksCruiser non-consumerist ilk means what things cost is always an important factor whether it’s the price of oil, what a depth sounder costs, or the damage a few gallons of epoxy is …

On doing the math… Read More »

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