A question answered…

To answer an oft asked question about why I don’t do more detailed critiques of boats. I try not to be a critical kind of guy… Given the opportunity I’m much happier to point out something interesting in a boat rather than nitpick its design flaws, issues, or failings. That said, I have been known …

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A quick link…

WoodenBoat has an excellent article online by Reuel Parker (of The New Cold-Molding Boatbuilding fame) about an interesting way to build a mast… Really a must read.

$1 a pound…

A while back we were talking about the cost of boats and boat building and how it could be best expressed in terms of cost per pound/displacement… So, the other day I came across a Pearson 303 selling for $5000. The boat is not in bad shape, has new sails, and like all boats it …

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an apt quote…

“The more you know, the less you need.”                                        -Yvon Chouinard Is it just me or does that quote pretty much give away the secret of successful VolksCruising?

about that list…

I’m pretty sure what  appeals to a lot of people in the whole sailing off into the sunset scenario has a lot to do with, depending on your social perspective, either freedom or escape. What was it Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster had to say on the subject of freedom? “Freedom’s just another word for …

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