An article you really need to read…
Over at Comet Camper there’s a great post that anyone considering the whole cheap-seats VolksCruiser thing should should read and take to heart… Just saying.
Over at Comet Camper there’s a great post that anyone considering the whole cheap-seats VolksCruiser thing should should read and take to heart… Just saying.
Stoves for boats are silly expensive. Not only do they cost more than they should, most of them don’t work all that well either. Here’s a better and more affordable than most single burner alcohol stove… It costs over $250… While this beer can stove costs pretty much zip. How To Turn A Beer …
Now that you’ve had some time to think about the lug schooner rig (though we’ll be coming back to it in a post or two) let’s look at the other big chunk of a budget for a cruising boat… The engine. Of course, it’s been proven that a couple can cruise pretty well on a …
some more quick thoughts on designing a VolksCruiser that makes sense… Read More »
I was recently involved in a discussion about what features a boat should have to be a successful VolksCruiser… It was a problematic enterprise. The hard part in discussing an enterprise of frugality in a consumerist world is that there is almost always a certain disconnect of logic. Face it, anyone with a consumerist mindset …
Some quick thoughts on designing a VolkCruiser that makes sense… Read More »
Yesterday, over at Boat Bits, I mentioned a French boat I like that I thought was overpriced… Then again, some astute observers might point out that I think almost all boats are seriously overpriced. I’m just that kind of guy… As it happens, the Mojito 888 is a great boat for folks of the VolksCruiserish …
Hipness, what it is!Hipness, what it is!Hipness, what it is!And sometimes hipness is What it ain’t! Or so goes the refrain from Tower of Power’s best known song (as well as being one of my all time favorites). If you were to read today’s modern yachting rags you’d think that ever bigger and ostentatious catamarans …
Off Center Harbor has a truly excellent two part video on sail trim featuring Carol Hasse that you might want to check out… It’s well worth the price of admission.
I’ve been reading “Building the Uqbar Dinghy” and it really is a great book for those who want to build a good dinghy in a weekend… Yes, really, a weekend. Fact is, I like the dinghies so much I’m pretty sure I’m going to build one in the very near future. The only problem being …
The other day a friend wrote me complaining that the boat project he was thinking of building was getting scary expensive and he used winches as an example. The winches spec’d out for his design, even with a deep discount added up to somewhere just shy of $7K. Quite an “ouch” factor for a small …
I’ve been working on a better mast raising/lowering system for “So It Goes” and rereading all my various go to boatish books for whisps of cunning plans for ideas. Have I mentioned of late what a great book Bruce Bingham’s “The Sailors Sketchbook” is? One thing I like about it is there are no “Buy …
A book that should be part of every VolksCruisers library… Read More »