simple, effective, and affordable…
A sea story of note, something about “common sense” and Fran making a really good point… Josh has a simple solution that makes sense you might want to check out.
A sea story of note, something about “common sense” and Fran making a really good point… Josh has a simple solution that makes sense you might want to check out.
I recently had a conversation with someone wanting to get into cruising and it seemed that his main goal had a lot to do with achieving a certain level of independence. Sound familiar? For me, the best way to achieve a reasonable amount of independence is to simplify and live within one’s means. Which, I’ll …
You might want to check out. Sensible, simple, and cheap. Better yet, it should cost you less than $60 or so in materials and a couple of days of work. Considering that the cost of used vane gears (Aries, Navik, Windpilot, Atoms, Hasler, etc) are getting more expensive and hard to find, this gear makes …
Minimal boat, minimal systems. Just about as seaworthy as you can get.
The funny thing about most boat projects is that the initial plan seldom resembles the final outcome. This can be good if your plan evolves in a positive way or all kinds of bad if you lose control of your plan and find yourself with an out of control budget. For me, the central concept …
A really good article on why a small and simple Catalina makes a lot of sense. You’re still here?
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve got too much stuff aboard “So It Goes” and we’re just about to get into a serious purge of what’s not earning it’s keep. For starters, the two Mirage drives that have been taking up room in my port cockpit locker really need to go. The plan …
While not a sailboat, there’s a lot to be said for this exercise in simplicity… Anyone come across a Vespa powered sailboat?
I’m currently reading about a transatlantic voyage in the 60’s on a Gunter rigged Westerly 22. Color me impressed.