A needful read, Dave Z opines on plywood boat building, and Trinidad declares a state of emergency… Yeah, interesting times and it’s only day two into 2025 but I’m already avoiding my daily scan of the news. Time to get to doing.
A needful read, Dave Z opines on plywood boat building, and Trinidad declares a state of emergency… Yeah, interesting times and it’s only day two into 2025 but I’m already avoiding my daily scan of the news. Time to get to doing.
Having experienced a dismasting due to a chainplate failure on “So It Goes”, and mixed with the fact that the Islander is fifty years old, chainplate replacement was high on the list of the needful things to do list. Of course, being that the Islander’s chainplate design is a bit different from what passes for …
I’ll go out on a limb and say the driving force behind designing a scow is getting the most useable volume possible within a small envelope while cutting costs in the process. So, here’s a very interesting 28-foot scow. The l’Optimum 28 by Gildas Plessis shows how you can sorta/kinda put the accommodation of a …
So, there’s a 32′ Piver trimaran for sale in California with a listed price of $19.5K. From the looks of the pictures it’s in fairly good shape. Though no interior pictures or mention whether or not the inboard engine works. The boat was built in 1973. The basic equation of a cruising multihull for $19.5K …
The real trick, where refitting an old boat is concerned, is simply to not spend a lot of money on it. Or just spend less. While spending less is a very workable tactic, it butts up against the consumerist mainstream and viewed by a substantial proportion of people as being akin to heresy. I’ll point …
I know everyone says that when using plywood aboard a boat that one should always use the best marine plywood you can get. So here’s where that advice does not quite add up. Some time back I built a hard dodger with marine ply, saturated it with epoxy and glassed then painted it. I was …