
and in the “this is cool” department…

Something from the “possible pandemic” department, a timely yet apt cartoon and we’re back to zombie apocalypse territory… How about a DIY build your own sextant kit? Not a bad Holidaze present at all. That said, the Celestial Navigation Starter Package might be a better investment in the long run.

all you really need…

Yachting Monthly has a really good article on how to use sun shots to find out where you are and it’s all you really need along with a plastic sextant and an almanac. Oh yeah, here’s a quote that makes a whole lot of sense.

DIY AIS receiver…

Here’s a simple cheapseats AIS receiver over at Hisse et Oh you may want to check out. Now, don’t you wish you’d paid more attention in French class during high school? Not to worry, Google translate is there for you if you need help…

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