
a needful post…

Just a quick note to point you towards a great post over at Sailing With Josh that deals with DIY and the marine trades that everyone should read and take to heart.. You’re still here? Facebook Twitter Share this post

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I’ve got a couple of days worth of catch up to do but should be back to something close to actually writing again in the next day or so. More soon come. Facebook Twitter Share this post

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a quick note…

Since three of our computers are currently doing the warranty two-step I’ll be taking a break from writing and moderation duties. Seems like a good time to catch up on the job list. Hopefully more soon come in the not-too distant future. Facebook Twitter Share this post

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On the subject of how most people think about cruising…

Over at one of my favorite blogs there’s an excellent post on the cost of living aboard and cruising that everyone should take the time to read and digest. Especially if you’re considering the whole VolksCruiser thing. More on the subject and my thoughts in the not-too-distant future. You’re still here? Facebook Twitter Share this …

On the subject of how most people think about cruising… Read More »

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