a quick thought…

The other day I was checking out the VolkCruiser stats and saw I was getting some hits from a couple of new blogs who had linked to the site…

Being curious, I trundled over to check them out and they seemed like nice sites by very nice and interesting people who were all about getting ready to cruise off into the sunset/sunrise who seem to equate getting ready to cruise with a whole lot of buying stuff. Really, just about every post was about something they’d just bought or something they were about to buy and they both seemed to have a long list of stuff they thought they needed to get.

It was just a little depressing…

Of course, it’s all understandable and the pressure to conform to the consumerist agenda is both ruthless and unrelenting. Come to think about it, there’s not a whole lot of pressure from any direction telling folks to use less and simplify is there?

Just something to think about…

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