Now here’s something (yet another cruising rally) of zero interest to folks thinking about VolksCruisers and frugal cruising scenarios. That said, I mention it because for the fees involved to do an Atlantic circuit with this particular economic black hole, you could cruise quite comfortably or go a long way toward buying or building yourself a very nice boat!
Let’s break it down…
- Eastbound Atlantic passage… $2,331 (and change).
- Portugal to Madeira… $1,481
- Madeira/Cape Verde/Barbados passage… $3,274
- Some pottering in the southern Caribbean… $1871
- A bit more Caribbean and on to the US of A … $2,650
Now, math not exactly being my strong point, I’m pretty sure that is nearly $12,000 spent on some highly intangible stuff and nannying. None of that money goes to real cruising expenses like food, fuel, or shipboard expenses.
You know, I could do a serious lot of mischief with nearly $12,000. Fact of the matter is, I know I could easily do a comfortable year-long Atlantic circle free and clear for that kind of money and have more fun in the process than the rally folk.
I’m pretty sure you could as well!