The whole VolksCruiser concept is, you might say, the polar opposite to what’s going on over at Attainable Adventure Cruising with their ongoing design riff of the Adventure 40…
The Adventure 40 is an interesting concept but it is most certainly not the sort of thing we’re talking about with the VolkCruiser and, I expect, that if you’re someone who is attracted to the Adventure 40 idea you’re not going to be happy with the whole VolksCruiser thang and vice versa.
Not that I’m knocking the Adventure 40, just that it is simply a very different thought process and mostly incompatible with the whole VolksCruiser mindset and budget parameters.
Just saying…
For one, the VolksCruiser is not a boat design but more a state of mind. There is no one true path and your VolksCruiser can be a design you build, an old classic plastic derelict you rehab, or simply a boat you buy.
If there is any mantra attached to this enterprise it is of the “less is more” sort and that the operative word is sustainable…
I’ll repeat that… S-U-S-T-A-I-N-A-B-L-E.
Next time we’ll talk a little about what sustainable actually means…